黄建伟现任香港中文大学(深圳)校长讲座教授和协理副校长(拓展事务),理工学院副院长,深圳市人工智能和机器人研究院副院长和群体智能中心主任。黄建伟是IEEE Fellow,IEEE通信学会杰出讲师,科睿唯安计算机科学领域全球高被引科学家。他2005年于美国西北大学获博士学位,2005 至2007年间担任美国普林斯顿大学博士后副研究员,2007年至2018年间在香港中文大学信息工程系任助理教授/副教授/正教授。
黄建伟长期专注于网络优化,群体智能和经济学交叉领域的开创性研究,总共发表了7本英文学术专著,320多篇国际一流期刊和会议论文,谷歌学术总引用超过 15000。他的论文11次获得国际会议和期刊的最佳论文奖,包含2011年IEEE马可尼无线通信论文奖。他获得2014年香港中文大学青年研究学者奖,2009年IEEE通信协会亚太杰出青年研究学者奖。
黄建伟现任 IEEE Transaction on Network Science and Engineering 的主编,曾任 IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 的副主编和中国计算机学会网络方向的所有A类期刊(IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)的编委。他历任IEEE通信学会认知网络专委会主席,IEEE通信学会多媒体通信专委员会主席,以及IEEE通信学会亚太分会技术委员会主席。他获得2015年IEEE通信学会多媒体通信专委员会杰出服务奖和2010年IEEE GLBOECOM卓越服务奖。
1. Yuan Wu, Liping Qian, Jianwei Huang, and Xuemin Shen, Radio Resource Management for Mobile Traffic Offloading in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks, Springer, 2017
2. Yuan Luo, Lin Gao, and Jianwei Huang, Economics of Database-Assisted Spectrum Sharing, Springer, July 2016
3. Xu Chen and Jianwei Huang, Social Cognitive Radio Networks, Springer, January 2015
4. Lingjie Duan, Jianwei Huang, and Biying Shou, Cognitive Mobile Virtual Network Operator Games, Springer, October 2013
5. Ying-Jun Zhang, Liping Qian, and Jianwei Huang, Monotonic Optimization in Communication and Networking Systems, Foundation and Trends in Networking, Now Publisher, October 2013
6. Jianwei Huang and Lin Gao, Wireless Network Pricing, Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks, Morgan & Claypool, July 2013
1. G. Liao, X. Chen, and J. Huang, “Privacy-Aware Online Social Networking with Targeted Advertisement,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1312 - 1327, June 2022
2. D. Zhao, H. Wang, J. Huang, and X. Lin, “Time-of-use Pricing for Energy Storage Investment,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1312 - 1327, June 2022
3. C. Huang, H. Yu, R. Berry, and J. Huang, “Using Truth Detection to Incentivize Workers in Mobile Crowdsourcing,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 2257 - 2270, June 2022
4. B. Luo, X. Li, S. Wang, J. Huang, and L. Tassiulas, “Cost-Effective Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 3606 - 3621, December2021
5. Q. Ma, J. Huang, T. Basar, J. Liu, and X. Chen, “Reputation and Pricing Dynamics in Online Markets,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1745-1759, August 2021
6. N. Ding, Z. Fang, L. Duan, and J. Huang, “Optimal Incentive and Load Design for Distributed Coded Machine Learning,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 2090 - 2104, July 2021
7. M. Zhang, A. Arafa, J. Huang, and V. Poor, “Pricing Fresh Data,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 1211 - 1225, May 2021
8. N. Ding, Z. Fang, and J. Huang, “Optimal Contract Design for Efficient Federated Learning with Multi-Dimensional Private Information,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 186 - 200, January 2021
9. G. Liao, X. Chen, and J. Huang, “Social-Aware Privacy-Preserving Mechanism for Correlated Data,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1671 - 1683, August 2020
10. Q. Shao, M. Cheung, and J. Huang, “Multimedia Crowdsourcing with Bounded Rationality: A Cognitive Hierarchy Prospective,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 7,pp. 1478 - 1488, July 2019